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What Impact Does Immigration Have on the Psyche of Select Latin Groups Focusing on the Chicano Select Group

                                               What Impact Does Immigration Have on the Psyche of Select  Latin Groups Focusing on the Chicano Select Group ABSTRACT: This research project focuses on how migration, as a tool to utilize advantageous class mobility and education for further and next generations, is a theoretical approach that has not reached an outright documentation of success, because the same empirical governance of borders that affects migrants, continues to have effects on their children and grandchildren and so on. Chicanos are a select Latin group that is the focus of this study, and the main issue researched was what impact the perception of immigration has on the psychological outlook of Chicanos. The research conducted was using three different ethnically Mexican people who are all educated on the subject of Chicanos, as well as using class research to draw ethical and logical points as to why Chicanos are so negatively affected. The major findings and conclusio

WRITING ACCREDITATIONS Milestone publisher, editor, copywriter, author 2021-2022:

Whitman Answered The Call, by Christina Woodson, no use of this work permitted without written consent

  Christina Woodson Professor Mannone English 211 2 February 2022 Whitman Answered The Call Ralph Waldo Emerson was a renowned essayist whose works continue to astonish world readers every day. He was an advocate for the ideas of self-reliance, beauty in nature, and treating this life as a gift in all ways possible. Though he was able to convey those ideas thoughtfully and persistently in his essays, there came a time when he wanted and encouraged a new voice in American Literature. In his essay, The Poet , he beckons that there should be a new poet who is “The sayer, the namer, and represents beauty… a beholder of ideas, and an utterer of the necessary and casual.” Walt Whitman began writing Song Of Myself a little over ten years later, immediately portraying a direct answer to Emerson’s request. The influence of Emerson is scattered throughout the whole poem and is a work that is consistent with the ideas that society should consider and take more into consideration. Through direct